Thursday, October 23, 2008

Praying for you guys!

Thanks for being so faithful to the prayer blog you guys! I appreciate your prayers! We need to figure out some way to link this up with our devo blog so that we know when someone adds a prayer request. If you have any ideas or suggestions let me know!

As for now, jus tkeep adding them in the comments and we will keep praying!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wow! Several Prayer Requests... We need to get prayin'

Hey everyone! Here is the most updated list of prayer requests: both old and new... feel free to come on here and let us know any updates or answers:

Rachel Mace:Her BrotherHer KneeHer Back

Kacey Lockhart:Unspoken (dealing with different issues)Spiritual strength as she goes back to school

Tricia Russell:Dad in Iraq

Jessica M: Difficult siuation*learning that God is my strength in time of need*Not knowing the will of God, but trusting Him anyway

Brook: Marias Dad and the tumors on his spine, Friend with the beginning stages of cervical cancer.

Jessica B: ~my grandma who is battling cancer~my dad's salvation

Many of us are praying for these requests!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Prayer List

Teenagers Go ahead and post any new prayer requests on this blog.

Here are some things that I have been praying for:

Rachel Mace:
Her Brother
Her Knee
Her Back

Kacey Lockhart:
Unspoken (dealing with different issues)
Spiritual strength as she goes back to school

Tricia Russell:
Dad in Iraq

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thanks for praying for our teenagers at Camp!

We are home! But you know that means we need more prayer than ever! I will update the prayer blog on Thursday this week, until then please continue to look over the list of teens who went to camp, and pray that they will have victories at home!

God Bless!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pray for our Teens at Camp

Here is a list of the teenagers going to summer camp with us this year. God has used summer camp to do wonderful things in my life. I know that I am serving Him in full time ministry because of His calling on my life during summer camp in 2001. I know that just as God has dynamically worked in my life through summer camp, God is still in the heart changing business today. I am passionately seeking for God to do great things this week at camp. I also know that if we expect great things then we must also ask for Him to do great things. We all know that we have not because we ask not. Well don't let that be said of our church. Lets have wonderful God honoring teenagers, by asking God to work in their lives in the coming week.

Please make it a habit to pray for these teenagers both while they are at camp and as they return, because that is when satan will be fighting them even harder.

ALSO: It would be great if you would past a comment to the teenagers letting them know each time that you pray for them. I believe it would be a great encouragement to them as they come home and jump back into their routine.

Alex Beals
David Deller
Nick Hill
Josh LaPerriere
Brian LaPerriere
Jeff LaPerriere
Matthew Caldwell
Josh Sandefur
Michael Stratton
Brenden Cotroneo
Phillip Carpenter
Cary Grimmett
Ryan West
Tyler King
Kervin Silaire
Garreth Beck
Mitchell West
Josh Miles
Scott Grier
Dillan Lee
Jake Barnthouse

Jill Lockhart
Brittany Flint
Rachel Mace
Mallory Burton
Bethany Fletcher
Gabby Schofield
Jessica Staley
Vanessa Olsen
Caitlin Cook
Kacey Lockhart
Amanda Payne
Amy Russell
Tricia Russell

Lee Tomlin
Katie Tomlin
Eric Cheske
Silvia Cheske
Jeff Rexrode
Mike West
Chip Keller

Please pray daily for God to do wondrous works in each of our hearts!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

The First Week of Prayer Requests:

Here is how we will organize this prayer list for now. We will keep it like this unless anyone comes to me with a better structure, but I think this will work. I will condense each persons prayer request to just a few words: If you want to know the details then you can go to the previous blog to find them. I will reorganize every few days so that we can stay on top of our prayer requests!

1. Friends Mom has terminal heart failure. (can we get a friends name?)
2. Family member going away from God.
3. Youth group will go to camp with an open heart.
4. Two teens in clearwater to stick to discions made at camp.

Pastor Lee:
1. Dad's Shoulder Surgery and Job
2. Teenagers going to camp
3. Spiritual growth during the next school year.
4. Core group of teenagers.
5. Pastor Lee's Family :)

1. Friend drifting from God.
2. Family member losing a relationship.
3. Cousin playing soccer in California.
4. More people in thier devotions!

1. Mothers Job at stake
2. Friend's (Ashley) mom has bad cancer.
3. Friend was abused.

1. Her brother to stay off drugs and support his new family.

1. Friend who is involved in drugs and attempted suicide.

1. Her dad is going to Iraq. Pray for safety!
2. Friend will be going to public school this year. Pray for Godly friends.

Awesome! Try to pray for these as much as possible and we will add any new prayer requests in just a few more days!

Don't forget to THANK GOD FOR ALL THE WONDERFUL THINGS THAT HE IS DOING AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Welcome to the PRAY 4 SUNCOAST YOUTH Blog

This new blog is designed for people who are serious about prayer. I am excited to see what God will do with a youth group that communicates with Him. Many of us have really grown allowing God to communicate with us through His word; but if you are like me, then it is not as easy to communicate back to Him.

As I have explained many times before... Communication is a two way street. It is great to read Gods word, but just as much as we want to hear from Him, HE WANTS TO HEAR FROM US!

So, We here at Suncoast Youth Group, believe that Prayer is important enough to design a place where we can talk about it, talk about our prayer requests, and most importantly: Talk to God.

I am excited about growing with each of you in this area of Daily Communication with our God through Prayer!

Pastor Lee