Here is how we will organize this prayer list for now. We will keep it like this unless anyone comes to me with a better structure, but I think this will work. I will condense each persons prayer request to just a few words: If you want to know the details then you can go to the previous blog to find them. I will reorganize every few days so that we can stay on top of our prayer requests!
1. Friends Mom has terminal heart failure. (can we get a friends name?)
2. Family member going away from God.
3. Youth group will go to camp with an open heart.
4. Two teens in clearwater to stick to discions made at camp.
Pastor Lee:
1. Dad's Shoulder Surgery and Job
2. Teenagers going to camp
3. Spiritual growth during the next school year.
4. Core group of teenagers.
5. Pastor Lee's Family :)
1. Friend drifting from God.
2. Family member losing a relationship.
3. Cousin playing soccer in California.
4. More people in thier devotions!
1. Mothers Job at stake
2. Friend's (Ashley) mom has bad cancer.
3. Friend was abused.
1. Her brother to stay off drugs and support his new family.
1. Friend who is involved in drugs and attempted suicide.
1. Her dad is going to Iraq. Pray for safety!
2. Friend will be going to public school this year. Pray for Godly friends.
Awesome! Try to pray for these as much as possible and we will add any new prayer requests in just a few more days!
Don't forget to THANK GOD FOR ALL THE WONDERFUL THINGS THAT HE IS DOING AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14 years ago
Salt Life, will you guys all pray for Bethy. She's going through a lot of rough and tough times, whether it be family life or whatever. Could you also pray for Heather for when she goes up to Jacksonville for 10 months (no, Pastor Lee, it's not a cult).
Thanks, guys.
I did not say that it is a cult, I said it is weird when someone makes rules that you are not allowed to talk to the opposite sex for 10 months.
Then I said that is what cults do.
I never said it was a cult!
PL, I would say her name but she has been to church and she doesn't want a bunch of people to know. I've been friends with her for a while and I just found out last week. Sorry.
i prayed for everyone this morning and ive kept a notebook devoted to prayer requests
hope that help everyooone somehow=)
Pray for my dad hes's going to Iraq.
Pray for the WILDS that we will stick to our desicions that we make while we r there!
ive decided to write all these down so i seriously reember what im praying for, and thanks guys (:
Good idea guys, I'm going to get a prayer request notebook too, (:
Please pray for my face, it needs help...haha, no seriously though the whole left side of my face is swollen up and I have headaches and toothaches, I can't feel my upper lip and its bad. Im on antibiotics, but Im still in a lot of pain. If the swelling and pain don't go down this week I don't think I'll be able to go to the WILDS, so please pray that I won't be in pain, that I can sleep, and that it will go away soon. I think its an infection, but I don't know.
I think that we should pray for the missionaries that were at church tonight! Pray that they will be safe when traveling and that God will provide their needs. Also pray that the people that they minister to will have an open heart!
Also, that this skit will go well, (:
an unspoken for my sister.
the unspoken for me is explained 2 comments up, apparently she didn't read the other the unspoken is really spoken
Umm, Satan has really been attacking me lately. I don't want to give any details, but things have been bad!
Love you Kacey! I am praying for you!!! Let me know if I can do anything!!
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