Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pray for our Teens at Camp

Here is a list of the teenagers going to summer camp with us this year. God has used summer camp to do wonderful things in my life. I know that I am serving Him in full time ministry because of His calling on my life during summer camp in 2001. I know that just as God has dynamically worked in my life through summer camp, God is still in the heart changing business today. I am passionately seeking for God to do great things this week at camp. I also know that if we expect great things then we must also ask for Him to do great things. We all know that we have not because we ask not. Well don't let that be said of our church. Lets have wonderful God honoring teenagers, by asking God to work in their lives in the coming week.

Please make it a habit to pray for these teenagers both while they are at camp and as they return, because that is when satan will be fighting them even harder.

ALSO: It would be great if you would past a comment to the teenagers letting them know each time that you pray for them. I believe it would be a great encouragement to them as they come home and jump back into their routine.

Alex Beals
David Deller
Nick Hill
Josh LaPerriere
Brian LaPerriere
Jeff LaPerriere
Matthew Caldwell
Josh Sandefur
Michael Stratton
Brenden Cotroneo
Phillip Carpenter
Cary Grimmett
Ryan West
Tyler King
Kervin Silaire
Garreth Beck
Mitchell West
Josh Miles
Scott Grier
Dillan Lee
Jake Barnthouse

Jill Lockhart
Brittany Flint
Rachel Mace
Mallory Burton
Bethany Fletcher
Gabby Schofield
Jessica Staley
Vanessa Olsen
Caitlin Cook
Kacey Lockhart
Amanda Payne
Amy Russell
Tricia Russell

Lee Tomlin
Katie Tomlin
Eric Cheske
Silvia Cheske
Jeff Rexrode
Mike West
Chip Keller

Please pray daily for God to do wondrous works in each of our hearts!!


Rachel said...

Hi Pastor Lee,
I prayed especially for the chaperones this morning especially during the driving stage. May God grant you safety and times of rejoicing during your journeys.

Pastor Lee said...

Thank you for praying for us! God faithfully brought us here safe, and We are now praying that God will work like he has not worked before among these teenagers! Thanks for praying! Love you! Lee

Thanks for everything that you both did to make Sunday night such a HUGE success!! You guys are GREAT!!!!

Marilyn Bethel said...

Woke this A.M. at 4:40 instantly remembered you and your trip to the Wilds and started praying for all of you for you safety and especially for the drivers, So thankful God gave you a safe trip. Will be praying for all of you this week, that many souls will be saved, many lives rededicated. Know you are in our prayers. Love, gramma B and Grandpa

Anonymous said...

heyyy i just wanted to ask you all to pray for my coucilor christie she is going through some family problems right now and her adopted brother is being rebelious and now he has to a christians buy school for a year to resolve it and i just pray that you can help him to clear up his mistakes and pray that god can give him the strength to make it through his problems!!!! thanks


Kacey! said...

I want to thank everyone who prayed for us teens! May you be blessed greatly. God sure answered my prayer when my friend, Amanda, got saved! (:

Rachel☺; said...
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